Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kraft Coleslaw To Buy


the red thread that Coming of Age pseudointelektuálka blog brings you yet another milestone on the path to adulthood. So:

ending that you know a carefree student days, when ...

... know by heart the phone number on your official Social Security Administration.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Eminent Suitcase How To Lock?


clementine is a special girl. We have the best friends freshman, a sophomore offended ignored because they were cut off from the gang guys. no I do not remember why. I guess it had something to do with the need to be populated, which came to them embarrassing. In any event, it was the ostracism as a consequence, the clementine has ceased to be cheerful girl and became her jaded maid asleep, which for most everyday stimuli responded promnutím upatlanýma your eyes tired hands and a deep sigh.
two years we have not seen and then when we met with surprise, we discovered that neither one of us is such a cow, as we thought so now quite regularly chatter over tea. ("You have it but enough to say! When you talked last?" Asked this just a good soul, if we ignore the latest gossip society. "Euh ... last Sunday," we said.) Clementine is roughly same developmental stage as me: the labor market is knocking on the door, but still left a couple of tests and trying to get a diploma from the bureaucracy. two steps ahead of it pushes the fact that in the course of their studies were forced to find a minimum three-month internship. So I spend the winter receives periodic reports on the state of search.

not optimistic. the naive girl is thought that with a good first degree, previous work experience and several European languages \u200b\u200bat the C2 gets an unpaid internship in the field without major difficulty. proved that the truth is far from a student of logic. balance was similar to that in my search for an apartment in Paris: 50 mails, no personal response and four follow-up calls to the places whence came the reply automatically, one "trainee? it I had to inquire, but in my court, do not take no, maybe the boss will know "and two" Miss, but you're overqualified, you can not marry because you are bored here. "clementine while banging his head against the wall and then called her father, if you could not pick up the phone and convince anyone of my friends that for three months free to engage his daughter.
followed by an almost perfect copy of the movie Stupeur et tremblements . clementine first week got the task to develop rapport, as the other 25 employees feel Open Spacey and how it can be reformed. Clementine has two degrees in political science, which taught her to keep Google's lips and, if the assignment requires her something, something never heard of. So even vygooglovala some propositions about the environment in the workplace ("good as green plants) and created rapport. when she was done, to thank her boss and came up with another task. how their company could use the European funds? Clémentine was delighted, because it's proactive thinking brain from the first moment of the learned, and enthusiasm produced a detailed report to the boss then slipped gratefully into his desk drawer nejspodnějšího. Clémentine then while sorting mail, and later she was told to shifts in a filing cabinet folders by name and years. "It's gonna take a week or so," she said boss. Clementina, who belongs to a species ladies, what are completing dissertations, five or more weeks before delivery, and understand every day you make the calendar fixou thick red cross.

her graduation party with everyone well entertained. stories about how she hates the other workers, because they refused to go on a cigarette and read about the third series of Nouvelle Star, all laugh. everyone was throwing in a funny story from my internship and the students we have in mind consoled that our first experience of such work certainly is not because we ausgerechnet we'll get lucky. Only one consultant shook his head in puzzlement, that he is nothing like that incapable imagine.
"But it's awfully inefficient!" he wailed.
we show mocking finger at him and began to play beerpong, jerky dance, laugh and enjoy the glorious tomorrows. Clémentine congratulated all the successful defense of dissertations, carved with chocolate cake and discussed cultural and linguistic differences between all the talk, we talked them together. clementine joy in the middle but she sighed wearily rubbed his eyes and fingers away from the nut mixture.
" fatiguée? " I asked.
" ennuyée, " she said soberly. "Je suis ennuyée de ma vie ."

and I felt a chill that just a few months I'll ever be too reassign folders, desperate, and instead of sending bewerbungsmaily dynamique et motivée I ennuyée de ma vie , bored with life.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bmi Chart For Preadultwomen In India


have spisovatelskej block is cool. the guys what they are lacking inspiration and so on protloukaj večírkách in Paris with two frankama in your pocket, there are entire novels. točej about their films and serials. If you could play in them, David Duchovny and defile them in dozens of beautiful girls topless. if not, sell for 99 - in cheap books. number of naked breasts in them anyway. be young or elderly vobšourník problem with writing simply leads to a never-ending mejdanům.

profligate artist but not the only ones who spend hours over a blank white page. For example, today I sat all standard working hours at the computer to which I naťukala one sentence. This should be writing books! that should make movies and series! I can see the pilot episode: the tiny, dirty chamber sits a disheveled laptop, Unpainted student. kytičkované wearing a nightshirt and leggins, which gives a good sense of body shapes (by that we dismissed the breasts). the shirt is slightly pokydaná of \u200b\u200bchocolate syrup (a cheaper alternative to Champagne). It is strategically located between the mouse and thesaurus - a student of him from time to time usosne. the viewer sees a girl with an appetite for opening a word processor, frenetically datluje sentence bud at the beginning of its methodological section - it deletes, writes in a slightly modified form again, re-lubricates, scrolling to the beginning of the theoretical section, returning to the methods, re-wrote the original sentence to erase the last word, last word was replaced by the second version phrases, sentences swap side with the main sentence, displeased smack, suck the syrup gets up and walks around the room, sat down to a computer and staring into a blank file. "That's a wasp!" Finally, he cries to herself and quickly keyed more sentence. greases. Store files and massages your stiff neck.
if the director had a lot of insight, I would leave the heroine půnoční shower even shed a nostalgic look at the lone black pumps that her mother bought for Christmas at a time when it was still believed that her daughter would have to sometimes come between people. above all, it was not allowed to let the lead author cliche, how dramatic heroine corresponds last dot, boating nazouvá and fragrant, and washed with JME defend. Diploma because we all know that this moment is nearly as important as the days and days before the empty document.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Vajina Bleeding Images

beauty bulk mail

Monday, April 12, 2010, 22.48:
"Dear colleagues,
In view of the recent strategic events in Smolensk, we Would like to ask you to Come and Observe a minute of silence in The main auditorium tomorrow at 19.00. "

Monday, April 12, 2010, 23.09:
"Some of you warned me that I wrote 'strategic' rather than 'tragic'. I probably overworked, this is obviously a mistake. I hope that I have no touched. "

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Inspection Schedule Template


brachliegen = fallow.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

»sony Network Camera Snc-m1?

II and how WAS YOUR easter?

Ukrainian tells how she went home by bus 20 hours. Brazilian laughs, that in that time he would be at home, too." Polka said the traditional Easter pouring water. dvojrodinném German talking about a trip to the Black Forest, where the girls took with her the first of its kind, and their younger brothers vosíralo it closely. "But they are equally votrávený and always wanted to just crawl on the Playstation, so it was no such change, "he says immediately. More Polk says that Easter is the only time they walk into the church: to have the blessed eggs.
"Pardon?" engages me.
"Well, bless eggs. In a basket. Still adding to it for some reason sausage and bread."
understand sausage, bread, but I have enough of Freud.
then the table turns to me: "what you're doing on Easter Monday?"
"snake we lunch at the mall and then my mother bought me lipgloss," flip me the truth than you realize Just let that talk about the cruel the beating of women and girls braided rods would be socially acceptable.

much about consumerism in the country.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Meaningful Samoan Quotes


Warsaw Metro is all modern. when I first saw him, I stared as you polish it nicely renovating the communists. Then I learned that it is built deep in the nineties.
wagon capacity is 54 seats. Tonight there was barely half filled. the comfortable, wide seats, apparently planned for the future is already obese population, people read, watch each other over the heads of relamně information screen or just sitting. youngsters will be added later, what did not make it and sits with his head in his lap, ready to pounce at any time. will be added later still true throwers. but nine in the evening is quiet on Saturdays.
left me to hear the accordion. daddy beard absentmindedly blowing into the instrument and wait to see what falls out of whom - a picture that I saw in Paris a week. then I'm mostly disgusted klopila eyes to boot and if it was not embarrassing, stopped I have the ears to hear it twice a day by foreign šmírácky Those Were The Days, My Friend, that's really. But in Warsaw, a phenomenon so rare that I smile and reaches into his wallet. I remember how the top six times in the direction of the Etoile was that I felt pity, or a musician that played really well, and as one of the two or three people in the car, I threw him into kelíšku twenty cents. "Merci," he always behaved with the musician and the man now cejtil as king.
so wait, if daddy issues with my harmonica direction. coin is already prepared, if only slightly stepped ... He and Chase. Two steps and he has thrown a plastic cup small bald boy in bombru. and the young lady beside him. and the girl in yellow boots. and mom in burgundy coat. and the common man. and more, and more. almost the entire car. neděkuje daddy, neuklání to doing the show. Do not look arrogant and angry, as some Hudlice in Paris. monetize their music and in substance, as if you just sold over the counter pounds of potatoes. These windows neblejská Eiffel Tower or the Seine. there is only the Warsaw underground city, tunnels, what is planned in 1920 and finished building in the 2008th and an old accordion player in a cup of coffee from the machine takes in probably twice the hourly minimum wage.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Casio Auto Light Switch Watch

ladovská winter

French seem to have forgotten something important.

(dedicated to all those who currently are freezing in their chambres de bonne).

Monday, February 1, 2010

Raylene Richards Lesby


women said they perceive their lives as a source of water, which may soon vanish in the sand, Susan Pinker writes (ie at least according Reflex ). Well, I do not know you. Spring seems to me too much action, flows from somewhere to somewhere, and constantly drives somewhere. I feel more like a pond - so huge that I can swim in the middle of a moment, while at the county again, then right, just turn left in the sun, under the willows, but all that it includes water, never, let alone threw malignant sand.

occasionally comes up, but any linear masculine metaphor useful. this example with Aysha. it would fit me just to think about life as a way, because I could so without fear of too much pathos, write the following sentence:

"with people někerými crosses your path just a few moments. for a while experiencing intense penetration and soon after that we go after each his own. such as this with Aysha .

Aysha is such a sad figure. Most of the time facing the front door, smoking. chic wearing a red jacket that fits her very nicely to the black bangs, but certainly not a tragic expression on his face. I know her since September; We talked for the first time a week ago and we are both clear that it neprohodíme stay until the end of next word. But we were a week ago, both tired and alone in vymrzlé glass-paneled lobby feet of white snow. Aysha smoke, I relied upon his elbows on the cold reception desk.
"pretty bracelet," I say.
"thank you," kníkne his thin voice. while quietly smoking and when you think all this conversation is over, turns the wrist: "See here, but I fell one stone. It was such a traditional Turkish eye for good luck. I sought him everywhere in the room, the hallway, in the cafeteria. uklízečkama before I even cried. "
" Oh, shame, "shrugs.
" was a gift from my mom. My sisters and I are the proceedings for good luck. I've never had much luck, you know? and now I had a feeling that this is because the bracelet turns. takovejch in the crowd of things, you know? as when I ran for the bus, so I always shut in their faces. or at the checkout when two fronts, so mine is always stuck. But not just occasionally. all the time. "
out the sun began to go.
" maybe it's because I've already picked all the luck in the big things. Three times I almost died. The first time I was little and I ate some bad chicken. The whole family ate it, but I only I was a little kid, so I had more of a problem. I immediately started to vomit and could not stop and the doctor then we say that we lost an hour later, I would I could not save. then I have one too paralyzed, I was afraid. "
" how? "
" I have combined some pills, you should not be taken together and then I was paralyzed for a day. it starts gradually, you know, suddenly you realize that you can not move the right half-mouth and speak. I went for my dad, but he just laughed at me because I was a kid and I still made him some tricks and crap, so I thought it was a joke. and then my mother came home from work and saw that I had a problem. And the third ... what was the third ... "
turns and follows last white streaks of light. "Yeah. I had to sit on the plane, what fell last year, but at the last moment I had moved a day ticket. So I think that maybe one has only limited Amount of luck and I picked it all before."
"So we go about it?" say after a while without a smile and stands up. still together going back to the lecture, but when you greet the next day for lunch, again just say "hi" and nothing more. Our lines are rozebíhaj to infinity and we're not sorry at all. I'm just afraid of me that my pond all waiting for me when the bus stops almost every front, and essentially freezes when I have a lot of time and cash is just nice.

Friday, January 15, 2010

How Long Do You Need Off Work For Chest Infection

c'est pas facile

vánocema before the Bulgarian had a weak moment. usually it is the femme libérée, emancipated young woman from Eastern Europe who svejch things to let anyone talking. But like all femmes libérées sometimes needs to consult and hear that it is not fat and keep it all they like.
Unfortunately, it chose me.
sat leggy and flexible, with propletenýma končetinama on the floor and fiddled around with a mobile phone. conversational tone, then asked what to do when she wrote that her once, let him fly to Madrid on New Year's Eve, and she seems to € 600 a ticket too. "He wrote me, therefore, that money is not a problem, but that went and bought the ticket, no," she said.
"do you love him?" I asked this question because it is usually expected.
"I!" nablble smiled. "But not so much that I stuck out šestikilo in euros for a ticket just to let me in again stand on the street. "
" and talk about it, "I said, because that kind of board approves a woman and the life." through to today, you call normally ask him about it. "
Bulgarian lifted his eyes from the screen and piped up: "Well, he never calling me. come from work late and the evening's too tired. We have mainly esemeskujeme.
at that moment Bulgarian Studio stretched towards infinity, and suddenly the room was nothing but a blinking his eyes and mine, staring, and among them could be stretched cord. to seven hundred kilometers I heard a metronome the summer. tic So.
"Hey, are you sure no one else does?"

and silence ("Hey, are you sure no one else does?"). and again only her eyes (hey, are you sure no one else does? ") and my eyes and hers slowly filled slzama and somewhere in the distance, twitching her lower lip (" Hey, are you sure nobody does else?). and still silence.
"I'm sorry, I know what I say, I see into it, you surely know best, so I just thought it, but certainly not do it you know!"

eventually she bought a ticket and a romantic trip to the beach at sunset she said, he would like to marry. apparently wants to move to the countryside and settle down. said that she would not have to work, because he will arrange everything. and really wanted children, and watched, she also has already pretty age.
"but they come a little weird?" he says. but I'm learning. shrug and am silent.

silent, even if this week depku. addressing what the future. Unpaid internships have been enough, somewhere in the office hate, but in other places not. are not even the placement ... should prefer to go somewhere for the year to Australia? some traveling, teaching at the German and have fun? or rather Beit while unemployed, swallow it - or even try to get that stupid internship, even if she does not want?
"I do not want to talk about it," I say brutal, because they listen to their problems even from someone else, it does not want me back. so it goes and writes an email that his Dlouhej. to the end that he knew what to do, adding the question: what do you think? answer she comes soon: "Sure! What's the company like? luv u."
"It means that all nečet!" Bulgarian sputtering. "Well you know that?"
better because we go to the cocktail bar. We have to meet a friend with a friend, neither of which we have never seen before. Bulgarian vohákne Thus, the proper way - heels and skirts, tight shirt and a ton of makeup. "Face check" he cries at the door enthusiastically. just outside the door and takes off his coat before take two steps into the main room, the beauty of it done. just before the long counter The Umbrellas of stops, breath, eye passes staff tables on the floor and make a little turn. "I love the feeling when you walk into a bar and you gather all the male eyes," whispers to me. then with a powerful smile (algae and in turn should lower rise, mouth closed, slightly wrinkled, shoulders back, chest up) step up and I say that is not yet lost.

Stopping Male Erections

way out of this truly chilling. I do not know how to find a fellow blogger, but I got on the Internet doubles. says You pseudoINTELEKTUÁLKA in a funky header image (and use the word funky ), posting on their botičkách ( like me), the school ( like me) on Christmas (as I ) on hand washing ( like me), is also photographed only from the head down, so come on anonymity, and sometimes, if you can not find point, conclusion of the article considers the question to its readers. to write grammatically proper Czech. I feel like I read myself five years ago.

girls nettle et al., Are you sure it's not something the way alienova dick?