Saturday, March 26, 2011 Unavailable

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Numeros De Serie Blazetv 2.5a

Be (not) recommended: Welcome to the Rileys

As I wrote the article before Runaways , Twilight with Kristen Stewart, I kind of hated. Unbelievably I dislike the character of Bella as "sweet, constantly hurt, whining and připitomělá. And all because I saw the posters for "Twilight Kristen Stewart as the face and plays Bella, I just started to combine them as one person, making my film The Runaways nearly escaped, which would be a great pity.

With Welcome to the Rileys similar crap I did when I saw the trailer, I immediately withdrew it (because now I have less crush on Kristen, but as you know).
The movie is brilliant.
And even though you now need to play music or have a thousand other reasons, why the blogs nepouštíte video, now it just do it. Movie Trailer nepřibarvuje no, no it does not distort, so I think you should make a realistic image.

If you're at it just did not look, we're already friends, I love you and just tell you what there is.
Two people lost their teenage daughter in a car accident. Both cope with it after it - her mom could not go out and swallows the pills as a treadmill, her dad is just out.
When he leaves one day at a conference in New Orleans by sheer coincidence she meets the very young stripper / prostitute.
begins to worry about it, zkulturňuje her home, gives her money, she teaches a perfectly normal things like povlíknutí regular bed or going to the cleaners. Simply put, playing on her dad.
His wife is home alone and it has the slightly frantic. So take his car and go to New Orleans on their own, which is very emotional, because it has yet afraid to leave the house.

And with the end of the movie I was happy, not end it the way I expected.
It's a tearjerker, you will get under your skin, makes you think.
and Kristen Stewart again proved to me that it's not just empty doll, you can just look and I should lower my whine for Edward, so ♥.

+ talent Kristen Stewart

+ music + atmosphere +
Movie Actress of all occupied a strong narrative
+ +

end of the movie - I was so zažrala into a movie that I did not give chips
(The I got the movie so much that even I, Miss critic, I can not for any normal minuses to come.)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Acrostic Poems For Litter

Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill (acoustic, live)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How To Remove Error In Tally

Be (not) recommended: Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl. All of koukaj, we all love it.
Serena and Blair, fashion icons lots of girls. After all, not so long ago, when many fashion-blogerek talked about a great style of one or other of them and let yourself be inspired.
popularity of this series is so great that it even in our broadcast (!!!).
And me? Well, I have three series on the PC.
I saw one, plus a little for summer holidays. And?

Well, I do not know Why the big hype. It's nothing new under the sun, it's not breathtaking, beautifully written, it's not original. It's just another babbling over trablema young, beautiful & rich.
Hey, if I give myself the series almost an hour, I want it to be meaningful. I want to have an impact on my emotions, I want to make me laugh, I want to be touched, of which I just have something. The series, which deals with the whole part, Blair's dress for Jenny's milijón and have never, since Holt's father is a millionaire, booohooo, injustice of the world, why me?, it's not fair atakdál is maybe good for people who nedělaj nothing all day, they can They must think and Beit home.
It's bullshit.
no sympathetic figure. The monitor I either skip spoiled brats, or characters, you have such a good heart, that I would be pushed down from the rock and I still would not even sorry. I just hate the sort of kindly, as he let everything wrong and still enjoy it and thank them for it.

So in a nutshell: The series about people what they can buy space, and their problems, for which you can usually alone, therefore, I certainly did not address. As for me, I can not touch the girl who has everything all the time and when she once something goes wrong, crying, impresses itself above you, regrets and laments. They can not sympathize with the asshole, by which had pushed his head into a blender even cleans up after itself quickly, before his death. I can not regret a girl whose father has no Chanel or YSL clothes, which she so much wanted.
It's funny, it's not original, it will not sit on my ass, not nothing in it.
And even though I realize that sometimes behave like a snob nafrněnej and when the series nafrněnej some kind of a snob, it's usually one of my favorite characters, but this is just too hot coffee.

And by the way - plot, which together two choděj, then zjistěj that their parents had something together and have the will and the owner in common sibling somewhere in the bag ... This is like a borrowed from a soap opera, right? If you get married, they could rename the straight and Patrýsii Chose Antony. And by the way

2 - a girl dressed in průhlednejch the ball?
Gossip Girl terrible blunder.
A real life: prom queen.

probably not sufficiently girlish and no-obl.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Audionews Or Proaudio

Day 9: Your definition of love.

Love is when someone occasionally incredibly irritating, but you can swallow.
Love is when you want someone to Beit over and over and over.
Love is when you shut up with that.
Love is when you are sure that this is the person you want to wake up in the morning and in fifty years.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Woman Breastfeed A Man

Day 8: Something you hate about yourself.

My voice, and dependence on sweets.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Walking Through Walls Poetry

Day 7: Your crushes.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Solve Level 31 Of Electric Box