Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rules For Frustrationboard Game

muffins with smarties

recipe makes 12 muffins
Today I started to bake muffins with smarties. I do not know if I have more hell because I tried a recipe that I can bake for the upcoming celebration or just because I got a taste for something utterly sweet. Either way, I would bake muffins and ate a few too many.
So let's write a recipe, because they are really great!

4vejce, 100g icing sugar, vanilla sugar 1balení, 100ml vegetable oil, baking powder 1/2balení, 3-4balení lentilek

First, separate the yolks from the whites. Then mix the egg yolks with powdered sugar and vanilla, then pour in oil, then stir in the sifted flour and baking powder.
Whip the egg whites stiff and gently mix into the prepared vmísíme.
half lentilek to easily crush and mix into mixture. Sprinkle the rest of the mixture, put the molds into the muffins.

and looked like the result. :): P

What Is A Client Confidentiality Clause

Fall 2011

Flip through the magazine and see what the autumn trends.

among other things ... I got it! :)