Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Firmware For Nokia 7610 Supernova

last 3 things

that I should have known before I started to write the thesis.

1) official English European Union: because someday it'll just have to learn, so why not now.

2) The Internet Archive: because dig zaniklejma stránkama fits.

3) WebCite: because the site is less, mizej, zpoplatňujou week and certainly seem to nemusej as tvářej today.

but I think I did well when I entered the very beginning to google "how and write a master's thesis, "and had carried away. otherwise I found the curriculum to be precooked or stylistic this cautionary tale that my heart an amateur linguist, Professor vytrénovaté hujetínovou, driven to tears:

Do not use no double negatives. Properly use the semicolon, always use it Where It is Appropriate; and Where It Is not Never. No sentence Fragments. Avoid commas, That are Unnecessary. Eschew Dialect, irregardless. And do not start a sentence with a conjunction. Writing carefull , Dangling participles Must be avoided. It is incumbent on us to Avoid archaisms. Never, ever use repetitive redundancies. If I've Told You Once, I've Told You A Thousand Times, resist hyperbole. Also, awkward or Affected Avoid alliteration. Do not string too many prepositional Phrases together unless you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death. (bloggersky abridged.)


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