Friday, December 11, 2009

36 Weeks Preggnant And Poo Very Dark

bulk mail

Wednesday. Belgian Anne writes: Hey guys, Saturday is my birthday, so you nasmažím belgickejch many traditional pancakes! it's my family tradition, enjoy!

Thursday. I write: Hi Everyone, I will have birthdays too, so it will connect with Anne and prepare for the traditional Czech alcohol!

Friday. Slovak Lucia wrote: Hi All , although I do not have birthdays, but on December 13 Lucie, my holiday, and it is our Slovak big deal, so that Anne's palačinkám přidělám still traditional Slovak pancakes.

Friday afternoon. Piotr Polak writes: I have birthdays or holidays, but we celebrated in Poland on December 13 also an anniversary. declaration of martial law in 1981. consequently, many Polish dissidents were arrested and put into jail. so if you want I serve on the Saturday party of traditional Polish prison food: bread and water.


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