Thursday, December 24, 2009

Planetsuzy Brazilian Waxing

like peas in a pod "latest" beauty

five years, six cities, four countries, five languages, six sim cards. Five people in the friend list on Facebook, a job, about two hundred pages in Word (Times New Roman twelve). I started this blog podobnejch of the reasons that the first post of a woman that many of our generation Erasmus: I was away from home, I missed the Prague and I wanted to stay in touch.

from the first letters in the middle of plumbing adventures in Dijon had it changed. I tried living with a friend, strangers, and the college itself. I spent endless hours in the night buses. because once you air controllers strike in Paris canceled flight. SkyEurope then canceled. I grew up in pink skirts children's department of H & M and started to yearn for gold satin and black sequins. started calling me "Frau" and "ma'am" instead of "Mademoiselle", even in the Czech Republic I now suddenly Mrs. I passed a few boxes of ikey and many tests of political science. I met many people and several others stopped talking. I learned how to navigate in five university libraries - two of them I even rozchodila copier. I moved from the tent to the hostel. At one point, I very much did not want to move again, looking for another apartment, set up another account and select the next mobile phone, a distinguished road around - and then suddenly the idea of \u200b\u200bme that just after graduating back to Prague began to panic more. But mostly I miss you stopped. I became Mr. Fielding of Forster's A Passage to India: also traveling light. nelpím, you should not stay, the neusazuju while zapouštím roots quickly, anywhere.

because this one final quote. Ödön von Horvath, unlike Kafka in literature classes in the Czech Republic does not discuss too much, certainly, but it would cost. Text "Fiume, Belgrade ..." published in the Berlin cultural journal Querschnitt in 1929 as a nostalgic sigh for the period in which words like "nation" or "homeland" yet not destroy thousands of lives. so do not sit right for me - after all, I grew up in Prague, read and škvoreckýho skullcap, listened to Chingy and regularly throw the ballot into the ballot box. I've not seen in fourteen World War and I hope that my exile in Paris in the middle of storms kill on the Champs Elysees a falling branch. But the conviction that the experiences, people and places mean more than any border with von Horvath share.
(Czech translation I've found anywhere on the net and the library cause I'm lazy. Therefore, rather vyplodím own).

Fiume, Belgrade, Budapest, Pressburg, Vienna, Munich (Odonata von Horvath. Querschnitt, February 1929)

ask me on my own, I say: I was born in Rijeka , I grew up in Belgrade, Budapest, Prešpurk, Vienna and Munich and I have a Hungarian passport - but the "homeland"? I do not know. I am a typical mixture of starorakouskouherská: Hungary, Croatia, Germany, Czech - my name is Hungarian, my native language is German. By far the best I speak German, I write it only in German, so I belong to the German cultural circle, the German nation. But: the term "homeland", the nationalist zfalešněný is foreign to me. My homeland is our people. So, as I said, I do not own and thus not naturally do not suffer, I rather enjoyed my bezvlastenectví because exempts me from unnecessary sentiment. But of course I know the landscape of the city and the rooms where I'm at home, I also have memories from childhood and I like them all as. You good and the bad. I see the streets and squares in the cities, where I played or I've gone to school, to meet again the railway track, toboggan hill, woods, churches, where I was forced to accept the Lord's body - I remember also still on my first love: it was During the World War in a quiet street. There I took in Budapest, a woman in her apartment čtyřpokojového just getting dark, the woman was no prostitute, but her husband was on the front, I believe that in Galicia, and she wanted to be loved again.


I believe that I have my "roller coaster" managed to bring proof that even someone who is not "established", not "national", bezvlastenecká racial mixtures, can create something What is "established" and "national" - because the heart beats of Nations in the same cycle. Only the dialect boundaries.


germanistům attach originál, aby si na smlsli mych překladatelských nedostatcích a interpretacích slov od kořene "people." protože a taky je to v němčině samozřejmě mnohem krásnější.

Fiume, Belgrade, Budapest, Bratislava, Vienna, Munich

you ask me about my home, I answer: I was born in Fiume, grew up in Belgrade, Budapest, Bratislava, Vienna and Munich and was a Hungarian passport - but "home"? I do not know. I am a typical old Austria-Hungary mixture: Magyar, Croatian, German, Czech - my name is Magyar, My mother tongue is German. I speak far the best German, write now only German, so belong to the German culture, the German people. However: the term "fatherland," falsified nationalist, is foreign to me. My country is the people. So, as I said, I have no home and do not suffer including, of course, but am glad my homelessness, because it frees me from unnecessary sentimentality. But I know of course landscapes, cities and rooms, where I feel at home, I have childhood memories and love them, like any other. The good and the bad. I see the streets and squares in different cities, where I've played, or that I went to school, I see the train again, the toboggan hills, forests, churches where they forced me to receive the sacred body of the Lord - I also remember my first love: this was during World War II in a quiet lane, because I was met in Budapest, a woman in her four-room apartment, it was getting dark, the woman was not a prostitute, but her husband was in the field, I believe, in Galicia, and they wanted to be loved again .


I think I was able to provide through my "mountain train" to the evidence, that (a) does not "Bodenständiger" nicht "Völkischer" Eine heimatlose Rassenmischung, etwas "Bodenständig-Völkisches" Schaffen kann - daily das Herz schlägt der Völker im Gleichen Clock, es gibt ja nur als Grenzen dialect.

Friday, December 11, 2009

36 Weeks Preggnant And Poo Very Dark

bulk mail

Wednesday. Belgian Anne writes: Hey guys, Saturday is my birthday, so you nasmažím belgickejch many traditional pancakes! it's my family tradition, enjoy!

Thursday. I write: Hi Everyone, I will have birthdays too, so it will connect with Anne and prepare for the traditional Czech alcohol!

Friday. Slovak Lucia wrote: Hi All , although I do not have birthdays, but on December 13 Lucie, my holiday, and it is our Slovak big deal, so that Anne's palačinkám přidělám still traditional Slovak pancakes.

Friday afternoon. Piotr Polak writes: I have birthdays or holidays, but we celebrated in Poland on December 13 also an anniversary. declaration of martial law in 1981. consequently, many Polish dissidents were arrested and put into jail. so if you want I serve on the Saturday party of traditional Polish prison food: bread and water.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Jorge Bucay English Edition


James develops the theory Prasák old.
"It works like this: Prasák old dating a girl who is always more than half his age plus seven years. Maybe when you're twenty, so you sedmnáctku. When you're fifty, and thirty three-year. And when you're seventy-two as Berlusconi , all the time so you're relatively young beauty. "
argue that Silvia, according to recent reports apparently stopped count sometime after graduation, but otherwise we have to recognize that the theory works. james table below waist hugging his new girlfriend, who is an twenty-four, but you could masquerade as eighteen. mainly because they wear short skirts punk, long blonde ale and kidney bare, which no sensible girl of her age does kmetském.
French on the subject notes that three times his sister drove to St. Catherine to tears. according to traditional custom, which is respected by all accounts probably already only in the third district of Paris, the unmarried girls, to whom Catherine was twenty-five, to start wearing a special hat. the whole world to make clear that I need to quickly get married.
"you bitch," I say.
"I? What about me? I was nine! Mom tells me, your sister is Katerinka because he still has a guy! So I went to her and she started to cry!"
your mom is a bitch, I'd rather not say. James
zesmutní but suddenly the entire desk and knows that is going to deliver something very serious. I tetelím pending probe into the depths of man's soul II.
"you know, but what is most afraid of?" he says dramatically. "That made me too old to be Prasák. So far so good, yet I always kiss the girls like you, at my age. But what if I enjoy them all the time, even though it will be me fifty? Understand it, what if the I will be old Prasák against my will? because I do not have this under control! "
laugh, just as James is some white wall. if already wearing some kind of time watching the proliferation Pigboy old man, which he managed to cope just happen to luck girls in short skirts punkovejch.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Does Cocoa Butter Soap Clear Dark Marks

probe into the depths of man's soul

Michael loves Elizabeth. Elizabeth loves the boy from his hometown, but I stirred my heartfelt hugs and whispers to him that knows what they have done without him. Sometimes he whispers softly in the ear lick. Michael loves Mary. Mary Elizabeth's best friend and occasionally, if not understand why it refuses to Michael, Elizabeth crying on his shoulder. Elizabeth faces sympathetically and Mary that gives strength.
Michael crying on the shoulder to Bulgarian. occasionally grabs her arm and draws for lunch somewhere in a corner where it sits přikrčenej, looking over her shoulder and pretending to listen to her small talk about mashed potatoes. "Before you today are you hiding?" Finally, he asks a little disgruntled Bulgarian.
"I do not want to have fun with them!" zafňuká. then it falls out, that he wrote to Mary in the evening to go to the cinema, but nothing will, right? And then when it was a bummer, because happy marie immediately ran to her best friend Elizabeth. Elizabeth took a moment to bite the tip of the tongue, with Marie quickly drank wine and knocked on the door Michal.
"Well, now there's Mary, who thinks that we go along!" Michael lowered his head. "What should I do? What did I do wrong?"
into Bulgarian language and some spicy bite metaphors he explains, where did comrades from Lodz, a mistake.
"I know," she laughs happily. "Would you marry me? You're the perfect girl, you understand me!"

Mary's skirts are each on shorter and shorter. "How can I endure this?" asks Michael.
"so it will not last, right? Start to date her, what's stopping you?" said the Bulgarian, who is already happily in love again. see all the wedding dresses and even suspect that this triangle can not work out well, is determined to firmly believe in romance. If only those guys were not so stupid and a bit trying.
"It's a good girl and is nice, but I want the other, because we love ..."
fork it stays halfway. so it's there! guy who will sleep with anyone because it is waiting for that its only her alone and wants věrnej!
"Wow!" he says admiringly. but he listens.
"I know ... it would be ideal if I could sleep with Mary, but Elizabeth did not learn it."

Can Gas Spray Get Rid Of Mice

Riddle says

how do I know that you're not in France?
to sit at lunch table full of tentatively says, "That fish is excellent."
conversation instead of an avalanche that would end the medieval root vegetables and prepare the best beef stew, you hear only: "Hmm." and you know that you are in France.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Soul Silver Wall Cheat

Bulgarian said: "I have to finish everything here, because on Wednesday I am flying to Madrid for the pet."
visibly excited.

Bulgarian said: "Well what? Guess what I just wrote! To wish for it I can not sleep because there's a parent!"
'and What did you say? "
"no nothing. I have enough friends in Madrid, I'm just in someone else, and he let the jerks. And actually, I like him too svejm parents did not introduce, after only two months. or you think it is embarrassing for me? "

Bulgarian is packed, rosy-cheeked and happy, like any other girl, what about the voice of your heart for a long weekend. On Sunday evening he returns:" Madrid was horrible, all the I do not want to talk. not to ask what happened. "
prokalila Wednesday night with a friend, where she lived, and would be fine. on Thursday met with a favorite for lunch and were jakejkoliv else as a young couple in love. pet parents on Friday and went under the Bulgarian Convention expecting the collapsed suitcase at the bus stop to pick up her baby and spend it together, what's the long weekend was still. But instead of pet arrives sms: it is not, sorry, I'll explain it later. Bulgarian spent the rest of the weekend between the tears, alcohol, and a phone that baby did not. But just landed at the airport back home, comes another message: I hope to see you next weekend as I can come. 'll explain everything. Bulgarian
is furious: "What do you think? To come, she smiles at me and I can not stand and fall in love with him in his arms? "
Council of Elders says:" Forget it, that there is any other and you want to have a secret lover. "
Bulgarian said:" You're right. "

says Bulgarian "So I got two flowers through Interflora. one with a bow and one in a pot. "
Bulgarian said:" But at least he tries ... "

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Can I Trade With An Emulator Pokemon

Bulgarian science versus Football

it like that as a good nerd pseudointelektuálka googluje your favorite Scandinavian political scientists. Be warned. Chapter " Neoliberalism in the Danish economy the negotiated" in one interesting book * written by Mr Peter Kjær and Ove Pedersen. It would be expected. But when you find them one by one, looks like a bad joke nudících the decadent social scientists - or doctorate à la Pilsen:

Peter Kjær (born November 5, 1965 in Fredericia, Denmark) is a former Danish professional football goalkeeper who played most of his club games for Silkeborg IF in the Danish Superliga.

Ove Pedersen (born 30 August 1954) is a Danish football manager and a former player, who managed FC Midtjylland and Esbjerg fB to bronze medals in the Danish Superliga.

(zdroj: wikipedia, what else)


* Campbell, J.L. and Pedersen, O.K. (2001) The Rise of Neo- liberalism and Institutional Analysis . Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Monday, October 12, 2009

M Jk Milosc 808 Ogladaj

Not Constantinople

I always wanted to know how it works, when one hires a prostitute and goes with her to the hotel. she pays, or the customer? one of them deals with the transfer of keys with the receptionist? both at the client faces? Well, now you know. the night was still relatively young, I had the opportunity to closely observe the entire event, while I waited for my room key. Thus sated curiosity - just maybe I could watch his experience with the hotel do it somewhere else than in Istanbul.
when the girls were returning from a night great party Araf in the club, where every hour they play a version of Istanbul (Not Constantinople) , addressed them on our deserted street in the Red Light District Turk in the BMW. downloaded the little window says smacked his lips and watched them until one of them did not last, and shouted: "Mais quand même! on n'est pas des Putes," which in Turk BMW despite likely understood the language barrier and drove away.

I was excited about the mosques. Finally, the tabernacle, the man who's not fall and where winter is knocking or awe of skeletons and pozlacenejch umučenejch for each column. place the warm southern sun, the joyful lights and soft carpets. the blue mosque, I was not able to show where the women pray. until the day of departure I was in a less touristic area appeared to see their temple Muslim woman through the bars. what that is ornately carved from precious wood. light, which enjoy men cover.
"Are you from Prague?" she asked me twenty-three student of international relations. "It is said to be a beautiful city. There last year, our school organized the trip, three days at 99 Euro. But my father will not allow me to travel. Not outside Turkey. "
" Wow, "I said, because what else to say it gives too. something like Windows Vista." I thought it's more modern. "
" Nee, "laughed the girls. "Traditional Turkish family, you know."
Ahmet, a Turkish militant liberal friend of my Polish roommate I then offered an explanation of how it is possible that the girls from the urban middle class after eight not out in the evening. for everything apparently the present government, which quickly gave earn conservative circles. They then moved to the city and its traditional customs and rules, which promote even though they give the education of their daughters, € 9,000 per year. maybe something to it - in feminist non-governmental organization to which we went to a lecture, I wondered why in the movie "What's the clitoris?" not even see a veiled woman. I expected a pretty obvious answer, but just a girl from the organization said that the film was natočenej seven years ago and seven years ago, the streets of Istanbul, far less ženskejch walked in a sling. Moreover, this one

sympathetic, sociologically-minded student, I poor, easily provoked. without being asked to define himself as a "European Turks" and announced that under a popular conspiracy theory in a few years with the Soros američanama they cut turkey, put the north of Armenia, the Kurds and east of the strip will be in the EU once the two.
"so what?" vystrkovala my chin arrogantly self-confidence of someone who is her third nation after the Velvet divorce, so now happily living together in sin. "It would be bad?"
"Of course!" His eyes glittered with nationalist fervor, and for a while before he recovered and began to talk about raw materials, he ran out of words. with polka We exchanged knowing glances, but then it occurred to me that Kaczynski and Klaus Ahmeti would probably not surprised.

a week in Constantinople, I quantitatively shifted his native Czech significantly agnosticism toward organized religion. As the classics, on board an aircraft falling to find a few atheists. as well as in Istanbul taxi. Although we have arranged the friendly price of a seasoned old man, but we transferred the taxikářská mafia and nadupaného car instead after a while came a fat boy. when we get it whizzed stodvacítkou without belts in the back seat you in a congested city motorized patnáctimiliónovém sought in vain, and I almost ran into a similar vytuněného handsome, I'm jealous colleague slovence that surely can memorize the Lord's Prayer. higher bargaining power, while the red soon gave way to anger when the next red driver started from the window little window in exchange compliments and friendly jokes, but the heart remained beating for a long time. So this way, gentlemen, not the union, I thought. but the Spaniard just laughed and without hesitation he beat a path of six-lane highway. "How do you think we doing here?" shook his head.

polka letting the traffic every day risks are cold. much more impressed by her experience of the night buying fruit. returned to Poland as a good party girl of the dawn of disco, beauty job properly in miniskirt and in high heels, when it fell the taste of pomegranate. in the shop opposite the hotel were open all night, so the taxi dropped straight to it. But when the front half looked around, she had to start laughing. grocer's was full of girls from nearby nightclub, which he bought shift in food - and were dressed just like her. just a cultural shock to the other.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Heat Protectant That Can Buy In Philippines

of the French II

liked the way the Belgian French about differences between French and most of the Belgian capital. woke towel (Belgium essui), numbers (each beginning French students would rather learn the Belgian variant) and the famous and tantôt! (An adverbial phrases of time, which mean nothing) than to reach the toilets.
"you know why the French called les toilettes, while in Belgium, la toilette?" asks French.
"because in France Must be more toilets to find a net!"

Sunday, September 27, 2009

M Jak Milosc 808 Online Streaming

Gilmore Girls creator claimed to have the final episode of the series devised the perfect four words. since last season but gave his hand away and nobody ever knew what the series to end planning. on fan forums and serials reach four words she truly the Holy Grail proportions.

and I'm ready, what this blog closed. I wear a final post in my head for nearly a year, actually from the time he gave us a task to my favorite hour of Monday's Österreichische Geschichte vom Ausgleich zum Anschluss. will quote, it will Pseudointelectual, it's pathetic, I can promise you that. but it will be the first Christmas since the wording in question will not find on the net and le readeur I had in Prague, which I end up with corrupt intent bloggováním after receiving a diploma and makes me ask the question as to the time .

to be clear: this blog, which I would describe as a student genuinely, could well continue. I have a diploma - the paper with a sentence that Miss Olga time issue a diploma does not count, even though the letterhead and the stamp - and the labor process is not rushing. I holed up for the lodge in the more prestigious (this is key) to the institution, which I should grant one another at the end of Master of Arts. prestigious institutions in Student Guide Book zaplácala 4 paragraph speak to the soul that says "email is NOT private conversation," "Easily it Can Be Forwarded out of context" and "Be Careful with e-mails. Thus it can be very good at estimating how it looked to some that bloggování on internal affairs. but his fingers just itching, keyboard itself keyed to name the new item "from the palace." those stimuli and suggestions! lectures, workshops, dormitories, dining room, pointed a fence around us, the overall atmosphere of the villa contained a reality show - blogger paradise.
We'll see. either I can combine the stream of inspiration and self-censorship firewall iron occasionally tossing his five and a half readers a very allusive bone, or this post will really last until Christmas.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Firmware For Nokia 7610 Supernova

last 3 things

that I should have known before I started to write the thesis.

1) official English European Union: because someday it'll just have to learn, so why not now.

2) The Internet Archive: because dig zaniklejma stránkama fits.

3) WebCite: because the site is less, mizej, zpoplatňujou week and certainly seem to nemusej as tvářej today.

but I think I did well when I entered the very beginning to google "how and write a master's thesis, "and had carried away. otherwise I found the curriculum to be precooked or stylistic this cautionary tale that my heart an amateur linguist, Professor vytrénovaté hujetínovou, driven to tears:

Do not use no double negatives. Properly use the semicolon, always use it Where It is Appropriate; and Where It Is not Never. No sentence Fragments. Avoid commas, That are Unnecessary. Eschew Dialect, irregardless. And do not start a sentence with a conjunction. Writing carefull , Dangling participles Must be avoided. It is incumbent on us to Avoid archaisms. Never, ever use repetitive redundancies. If I've Told You Once, I've Told You A Thousand Times, resist hyperbole. Also, awkward or Affected Avoid alliteration. Do not string too many prepositional Phrases together unless you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death. (bloggersky abridged.)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rome Total War No Install Option

new school year

has never been the name of this section and passendes.
on the way there, I threw in a bag the rest of the pizza, what if I was hungry after arrival. in me during the day of departure to check if the keys in your purse, wallet and paper napkins, surprised by an interesting smell.
it's so. although I am an early age adulthood and by the biological clock would have long since had two children, I managed to fill the archetype of the school year: the first of September, I threw the old bag, skip the snack.

and what you nacházívali treasures you? moldy bread with salami? rotten mashed banana? half Tatranky fragmented?

Monday, August 17, 2009

How Can I Reduce Overbite Without A Brace

so now I've found that even in Mannheim. that's me starting to regret that I am the original three fired.