Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rules For Frustrationboard Game

muffins with smarties

recipe makes 12 muffins
Today I started to bake muffins with smarties. I do not know if I have more hell because I tried a recipe that I can bake for the upcoming celebration or just because I got a taste for something utterly sweet. Either way, I would bake muffins and ate a few too many.
So let's write a recipe, because they are really great!

4vejce, 100g icing sugar, vanilla sugar 1balení, 100ml vegetable oil, baking powder 1/2balení, 3-4balení lentilek

First, separate the yolks from the whites. Then mix the egg yolks with powdered sugar and vanilla, then pour in oil, then stir in the sifted flour and baking powder.
Whip the egg whites stiff and gently mix into the prepared vmísíme.
half lentilek to easily crush and mix into mixture. Sprinkle the rest of the mixture, put the molds into the muffins.

and looked like the result. :): P

What Is A Client Confidentiality Clause

Fall 2011

Flip through the magazine and see what the autumn trends.

among other things ... I got it! :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Colour And Food-questionair

H&M skirt.. HOT or NOT

This article brought me my mother's batik skirt. I think it's a few years since you bought it on holiday at the sea. It is this style of batik skirt walked into H & M.
I'm just not sure how much success with this brand it would. Especially when you just have an identical opportunity to establish yourself at home at a much lower price. But I understand that many people prefer to say that he has branded a skirt than a manufactured home:).

and what is your view of the skirt HMka, HOT OR NOT?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hairdresser Cake With Hair On It

TOP 10 - Kristen Stewart.

Because I have a project ahead of Ain, zhovadilost I write this, because I can not do anything to finish in time, I'm not crazy.
So you bring another TopTen happily, this time ten reasons why I love Kristen Stewart. The pictorial accompaniment, because it is so beautiful, you know.

first It is beautiful.
Well, it's a surprise that. If I believed the types, I'd say that's exactly my type. : D

admit this color - thanks to all those Tvajlajtu series about vampires, what they look like a model and have feelings, I somehow did not have it. Bell's character is the heroine of the worst in the history of mankind (oops) and it hurt all the views have made in my eyes Kristen hňupku. But! Then I looked down the other films - and lo! It does it even hurt anything else but watch the floor! It's a talent, it deserves this attention!

third It's good to see that the people can AWKWARD Beit famous.
I know, I would not have use English, then I did not go like all the Nanynka timid, but for 'awkward' is simply not appropriate Czech equivalent.
Anyway - fantastic, I like her uncomfortable silence in the talks, which looks in vain for word, her nervousness (mrskáme both feet, it's fate, our children will be beautiful), her evasive replies, UI.

4th He rarely smiles and when she smiles, it's a yay.

5th It's clumsy.
falling, slipping, oceněníma throws with the ground, sweeps her hands in confusion ... ♥

6th Amazingly are dressed rock.
Clearly, a combination of sneakers, jeans and unisex T-shirt that appeared long ago in front of her. But she is not a fashion guru, she's not modeling, she is awkward girl who starts out in a T-shirt and jeans to an event where her colleagues prowl in colorful dress.
And you know what? For me in this work twice sympatičtěji than if the narwhal in high heels and looking like the execution. So.

7th It's a normal person.
fuss about Tvajlajtu nevlez her head, still spinning indie movies, and excessive attention to the journalists it certainly shits. ↓

8th Can you maintain the privacy and seems like an interesting girl.
no spice to the side is cracked, personal questions are answered evasively, fundamentally, she likes Steinbeck ... and so, no.

9th It seems intelligent.
out I can guess whether dotyčnej genius, intelligent person, or a nerd, I need to speak with him. But as K, I dare say it's not a nablbaná pizdička what the Council to demonstrate alongside Pattinson (I pray that I wrote it well, that guy is awful name, which I therefore did not) and my humble opinion, to which I have learned quite healthy and nezaujetým observation (creeeeeeeeeepy and if I lived in Emerica time I squatted outside her house in the bushes with binoculars and sváčou) it gets on your nerves, as it with RP "Edward" give journalists and some fans together.
I feel you, sista, I would be angry too, looks like zevl and I do not know about yourself.

10th ↓ ↓ ↓ Stasera.

Gloryholein Jacksonville

The Jested ...

So first ... yes yes I did the ugliest and most annoying test yippee! So, you finally can give a little back:) And I have another pesky exams but I will try:)

And now the photos ... On Saturday we celebrated with a family of my mother's birthday and Jested ... First we did a great picnic on the slopes overlooking the whole of Liberec and then we went to the top ... When I saw the slope, I decided that there really never on skis will not go - too close to the sharp + srabíka like me .... but This winter is far away:)

And you have you ever Jested? Is it worth it to make a trip:)

Have a great time I'm going to celebrate:)


It Sano in my hands just for the photo ... The dress is from H & M showroom ..



The jacket - it is really annoying when you buy the coveted jacket (H & M), then it is too hot then too cold, and then you find that you are a bit much ... grrr!

Three Sisters:)

Ještěd ...

Finally, funny photos on "Can you put your thumb in your mouth?" "Yeah, I can put that thumb in your mouth!"

"Show me!" : D

Colorado Accelerated Emt Program

Panicking? Oh no, she is calm!

I'm in the middle waiting. The final test of the car and motorbikes. I'm shivering like a dog ... And that I graduated last year. But this year it will probably feel even more foolish and tests still give only 90%. Which may go wrong during the final test, I read the question wrong, and suddenly it will be less and the odklikání on my screen shows "failed" ...

I should cheer up: D What will I do for a year before graduation? Commit suicide perhaps? Certainly not! But considering the slow start of what will then graduate to 100%. The head of the school that you have leveled, but is subject to that state? I guess I'll have to brush up on math. Since both the friend said, "can do the math. You have a high rate to meet and everything you have to test both the table and a calculator."
But I will address high school graduation. Now just repeat and repeat to go mental, read technology and Wednesday morning přivstat and tap dance at seven in the Dopraváků D.

And I missed proud that I was waiting for an interview tomorrow (or whatever you call it) a career choice. And since I'm free from those tests, I have slowly but surely begins to burrow, so it will be a pleasant relaxation in the morning before a committee of people who advise me which way to go.
Just to tell me that I was destined to become homeless: D

so I have to learn pilníček bought clippers and algae to me when watching it in my computer nestínily lashes: D
And tomorrow I will add a recipe, I promise!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Brazilian Waxing Bangalore, India

Colored Lenses GEO Nudy Gray

my natural color Eye
I promised you a review on contact lenses ... First, I am here for you my photos. Photos of friends will be next, I promise.
As a redhead with green-ginger-brown eyes I'm not too sure whether I will be gray in color contact lenses to suit. And finally, one I feel best, because they are natural and very nicely cover my natural eye color. While it is true that sometimes roll off a millimeter below as soon as my eyes would turn upward glance. But it does not change the resulting impression that these lenses are others.
second photo Take it easy. A friend took a picture almost from the air, so I look like a horror character: D. So I wish you a nice dream: D

cute lens case "pygmy"
And how did find out that these lenses are not just some fakes?
Each container GEO contact lenses, see the authenticity of the so-called code anti-fake sticker is a little green sticker with the words and GEO stíratelným box. Now that the investigation will show the code that is entered on that page. where you make sure the right
The code sample I have here for you to pack green lenses, because the gray, I just gave my mom before I could come home, so pack from these gray lenses threw me: D and welcoming with beautiful gray eyes like a doll.
If I should mention, plus the contact lenses, so it will be particularly ...
low price for very good quality ...
choice diopters for each eye and the other is still the same price ...
high coverage
... look like "doll"
and minus ...
... as a novice it took me a little longer use of lenses. But it would be less about at all, as a beginner you simply can not put contact lenses. : D So if you do not have the experience, so be prepared for the crazy nerves: D
and believe that the end of the week you'll know how to do it and the problem will be removed.
for the "slower" as I can make a tutorial on how to easily deploy a contact lens ... Because more than one way to do it.


Converse How Wear Socks

Yesterday Party with My Macarons

party yesterday at our arrival was already in full swing:). All the more fun it was, because most were already drunk. But to be honest, I do not drink so much and I do not want to get drunk. I find it pointless and a bit silly getting drunk every weekend just because I have a chance.
If I had to remember the last time I was drunk, so it is such 3/4roku back. And for that I am ashamed.
CEAD and its famous macaroons
But as they said on television today, one glass of red wine a day prolong our lives and we have the more likely it is to live a hundred years. So this week, preferably on Wednesday after the final test in driving school, I'm going to buy a better red wine, which I guarantee the longevity.
photos "CEAD with macarons" I could not forgive. Especially when I wanted to show off the fact that reaping the greatest response. And since they were little, everyone regretted that I did not bring them all arms. So go ahead and write recipe because it's brilliant goodie:).
We thought that nevlezeme the photo ... Andy: "I feel like s. .."

Well if we end the evening with Ondra blbnuli the self-timer like little children. Since the last photo of me and shared Ondra was about two Flights: D, which is really the odd Friday. So I pulled it before-covered wall, which was apt to shoot!
But first we worried that the photo nevlezeme and we laughed, we did not manage to say "cheese" ... And the other photo, I stood on tiptoe to Ondrová I was a bit more fairly to his height, but that my baby finally stood on her toes too, because I thought it is my intention to D.

Edit: evening or tomorrow morning to review the contact Lens

giveaway will end in middle of next week. :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cynthrea And Mandingo


I had 50 minutes to celebrate ... Šrotovalo in my head so many thoughts, but still just could not come to a speedy and nepracný recipe. Suddenly it dawned on me .... "This will create macaroons!" I said. And so it happened, too. Although I'm in a hurry odflákla, recipe made from the eye, but consumers tasted so that I can be the result of former self makrónek only be made happy.


110 g almonds rozmletých

200 g icing sugar

three whites

Beat egg whites stiff so that when rotating the dish not fall snow: D (Do you understand me?)
Meanwhile, mix the almonds with powdered sugar, then add to that created by the snow. Vmícháváme carefully. / half of the mixture, I mix with Dutch cocoa /
Then as candy or a bag with a spoon, make circles from the eye. Keep in mind that you created larger wheels. So it is better to make them farther apart, so that you then sticking!
Bake 12 minutes at 150stupňů.
Then let it cool down, because the cooled macaroons better odlepímte of baking paper.

400 g whipping cream
1/2pytlíčku ground almonds
3 / 4 package of vanilla pudding
about 5 tablespoons of powdered sugar

Pour cream into a pot, cook on medium heat. Immediately pour pudding, sugar and almonds and stir and stir you to change that lumps.
! Refill I made from the eye, so the sugar it ohlídejte. But since they are macaroons really sweet, really filling Match lightly, so was really just a slightly sweet flavor.
resulting macaroons just take to a party and you can polish off with friends.
This recipe is really very easy. Dokuchtěno cooked and I was within half an hour ... (Macaroons I have in fact made of two sheets) ... I did most of the eye and even if do not look so perfect, so their taste is perfect:)! So let us wish you good taste! And I'm going to this party

question here was whether the macaroons are not too sweet. course, that is sweet. I would say it is one of the sweetest desserts (or how to call it) that I have ever eaten. And that's the basic recipe I dropped another 50 grams of sugar.
So like I said, filling the macaroons to soften, so save the sugar:).
my other recipes, see the section FOOD .

Jokes Chess Club Meetings Large Breasts


contact lenses GEO boredom Grey
NewYorker shirt, shoes CCC

The photographer friend probably never will and that my model is certainly too happen: D because I'm incredibly nefotogenická and able to pose to someone before you just stand around in shorts and reiterates that it is winter: D. .. Would not you like it so bad that she could not pull the trigger and his five minutes of strenuous shooting take photos 2fotky D. I am simply a talented friend: D

recipe will be here tomorrow

And while you're at it, from what I will and will not, so about me will never be a good cook. At least that's what put me back today at the heart of my friend's mother, who thinks that perhaps I can not bake muffins, so my column inches does a sermon on how to bake at a lower level. WRRRR ... I always want to turn into a moment in the furious dog, would prefer someone who has been bitten! Because I cook I know!
... And another case, when my friend tried the pizza in my recipe. Halfway through he started to mix the ingredients by eye, so there was benefit for two pizzas, but three. And then the mixture made a pizza that was so disgustingly fat and saturated with oil, there Lil, Lil, that's really impossible to eat. And of course, that in the recipe from my mother began to slander me. Like maybe I would not do great pizza and she managed to do that its messy. WRRRR ...
mood I'm simply angry dog. So I'm going to try and breathe lenses, which I promised you a review ( )