Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cynthrea And Mandingo


I had 50 minutes to celebrate ... Šrotovalo in my head so many thoughts, but still just could not come to a speedy and nepracný recipe. Suddenly it dawned on me .... "This will create macaroons!" I said. And so it happened, too. Although I'm in a hurry odflákla, recipe made from the eye, but consumers tasted so that I can be the result of former self makrónek only be made happy.


110 g almonds rozmletých

200 g icing sugar

three whites

Beat egg whites stiff so that when rotating the dish not fall snow: D (Do you understand me?)
Meanwhile, mix the almonds with powdered sugar, then add to that created by the snow. Vmícháváme carefully. / half of the mixture, I mix with Dutch cocoa /
Then as candy or a bag with a spoon, make circles from the eye. Keep in mind that you created larger wheels. So it is better to make them farther apart, so that you then sticking!
Bake 12 minutes at 150stupňů.
Then let it cool down, because the cooled macaroons better odlepímte of baking paper.

400 g whipping cream
1/2pytlíčku ground almonds
3 / 4 package of vanilla pudding
about 5 tablespoons of powdered sugar

Pour cream into a pot, cook on medium heat. Immediately pour pudding, sugar and almonds and stir and stir you to change that lumps.
! Refill I made from the eye, so the sugar it ohlídejte. But since they are macaroons really sweet, really filling Match lightly, so was really just a slightly sweet flavor.
resulting macaroons just take to a party and you can polish off with friends.
This recipe is really very easy. Dokuchtěno cooked and I was within half an hour ... (Macaroons I have in fact made of two sheets) ... I did most of the eye and even if do not look so perfect, so their taste is perfect:)! So let us wish you good taste! And I'm going to this party

question here was whether the macaroons are not too sweet. course, that is sweet. I would say it is one of the sweetest desserts (or how to call it) that I have ever eaten. And that's the basic recipe I dropped another 50 grams of sugar.
So like I said, filling the macaroons to soften, so save the sugar:).
my other recipes, see the section FOOD .


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