Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cervix Position Implantation

DIY: t-shirt bag

I'm here for you next DIY article, which I have been unable to forgive.
long time I wondered whether to work t-shirt bag " run, but I finally resolved to sacrifice already sacrificed Roxy T-shirt, which I nakousal my adorable pet (rat): D.
And even though I never dreamed that I'll do it. The opposite was true. Even the creation lasted less than five minutes. There really is nothing easier than to make this bag from an already nenošeného shirts:).

What do you need?
SHIRT, scissors, safety pins
1) first cut the sleeves so that you later took the bag better. Therefore, they need a little bigger hole.
2) prostřihněte part of the neck in a U or V, depending on you. I prefer the wide U
3) of the remaining clipping agents cut the strips (4)
4) Take the switch pin, which připíchnete to strip to stretch the bottom of the tricks that can easily nastříhneme in several parts, so they can provléknout remaining strips.
(somewhat understandable: D, but it comes at you: D. I believe you!)
5) Each thread binds and tighten so that we later forfeited through boot: D Finally, to bind all the strips together. :)
6) shoe insert in "t-shirt bag"


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