Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Powerpoint Templates A3

Baked müsli

As I Most fonts you love recipes ... And since I'm thinking about a recipe for breakfast, which will best kick start the day, I won the baked muesli. A very similar recipe was already here, but I could not trace him. So at least the memory and refreshing taste buds, too.


oves.vločky, cranberries, walnuts or almonds, honey, 2lžíce sunflower oil, a pinch of ground cinnamon

spoon, then feel free to mix and hands. Then spread out on a buttered baking sheet.
Bake at 200 degrees.
prohrábneme spoon every 10 minutes, that does not stick to our muesli. When it starts to darken, we reduce the oven temperature to 160 degrees. Total roasting time will be around 25 minutes, probably even more Sun
Serve up cold.

I can not wait until I send Claire pants from H & MKA, which I bought yesterday. It hodňounká so that you can not really appreciated by her. Well, where do you find a friend (via blogspot) which you would like to do, and buyers of all things pigeon in one: D. .. and remember that it is able to talk with me and is able to tell me that my charisma, my only beauty: D

Muesli finally put into any closed container. I chose a box that about a year ago to serve "krémování" .. : D
But do not worry, it is washed so many times that he can only serve as a bowl of muesli at home. :)
the end of the week I am going to declare giveaway, so the last stragglers still have one last chance this week to try his luck.


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