Saturday, May 21, 2011

I Need Help With Cervical Stenosis

No Alcohol for Me

I promised you here for photos / u. But as I was talking, I almost nefotila. Also, who would not enjoy the almost three year old girl who loves running the inflated balloons:) just like me. :). But do not think I ever flew in a balloon: D I've sat, ate grilled chicken, washed down with a cider and it was talking with friends.
You will notice that the shortage of food or drink is not really: D Kristýnka is really the perfect hostess. Too bad I can nevyfotila the cake, because such beauty you've ever seen: D And suddenly
I nepřejedla neopila not:). I have the pleasure of myself: D

But now the end of the story, I'm going to clean up the Room, and go to the cutting garden. :)


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