Saturday, May 14, 2011

Salutatory Address/elementary

Campari Red Night ...

last night was full of red hats Campari food and great entertainment, and primarily úžasnejch people:)

Starring Eva Campari and of course ...

Evi get ready for lots of goodies, we rushed to the bridge:) And I took pictures ...

Beátka has a nice background ...

.... And also the fore when she maršmelous kor:)

Everything was very red ...

Beátka and is simply beautiful:)

And even danced! :)

Thereska was the dude with the bow tie ...

And later on, without a bow tie but still dude:)

Nadia is even more beautiful than the pictures ...

Thanks to Jill blogs here ...

.... and working here we hung on the wall:)

Oksanka We soon left for Madonna ....

... but she could try the hat:)

Oli strewn ...

.... and even sang ...

Vita Beátku minded ...

.... drank Campari and everything was pretty funny :)

Well, I enjoyed it a great bowler and stole Beata:)

Thank you for inviting me for a good company!

All photos from the party will be on site so Campari Check out this:)

Have a beautiful Sunday I'm going to sleep:)



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