Monday, May 30, 2011

Colorado Accelerated Emt Program

Panicking? Oh no, she is calm!

I'm in the middle waiting. The final test of the car and motorbikes. I'm shivering like a dog ... And that I graduated last year. But this year it will probably feel even more foolish and tests still give only 90%. Which may go wrong during the final test, I read the question wrong, and suddenly it will be less and the odklikání on my screen shows "failed" ...

I should cheer up: D What will I do for a year before graduation? Commit suicide perhaps? Certainly not! But considering the slow start of what will then graduate to 100%. The head of the school that you have leveled, but is subject to that state? I guess I'll have to brush up on math. Since both the friend said, "can do the math. You have a high rate to meet and everything you have to test both the table and a calculator."
But I will address high school graduation. Now just repeat and repeat to go mental, read technology and Wednesday morning přivstat and tap dance at seven in the Dopraváků D.

And I missed proud that I was waiting for an interview tomorrow (or whatever you call it) a career choice. And since I'm free from those tests, I have slowly but surely begins to burrow, so it will be a pleasant relaxation in the morning before a committee of people who advise me which way to go.
Just to tell me that I was destined to become homeless: D

so I have to learn pilníček bought clippers and algae to me when watching it in my computer nestínily lashes: D
And tomorrow I will add a recipe, I promise!


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