Saturday, May 14, 2011

Replacing Bulb Ikea Lamp

dreadful things what guys wear. As a bonus, well-intentioned advice.

This article should have been here yesterday evening, if that stupid blogger worked. Fuck You, the blogger, fuck you.

Well, you probably noticed that, like writing about fashion. Yesterday I realized how much my gender on my blog (Miss had a paper and now it's terribly clever), unbalanced - some still write about girls and fashion for ladies. Well, at first concerned me for a second and more I enjoy it more. Maybe sometime I'll have nějakýho friend, what will allow me to buy him for his money into something that penetrates more, but it is quite likely to happen soon.
But then ... I still have eyes and see, and I know what my boys like and what does not and what guys are very happy to wear. Unfortunately, very happy.
As the title suggests, a list of things I do here, so you guys like to wear, which I think are terrible and the more beautiful I would replace it.

Horror: Tříčtvrťáky
Of those I spoke here relatively recently and what I wrote is true for boys. This piece of clothing to try is just a tragedy, never flattering and does not suit anyone. It does not matter whether they are or jean cloth, it's just disgusting.
Better: slouch trousers above the ankles. If you have a nasty sports shoes to the mountains (see below) and pants cut with a completely useless, this trend (you can hear, dear fešnblogerky? This is a trend) is not for you. If you have a normal pants (read: purchased sometime in this year, rather narrow and fit perfectly), so not sure what to expect.

Horror: A few more numbers jumper labeled as jerk
naprostej This is a horror movie. Apparently it belongs to hoperský hip fashion, but then I do not understand why they drag the kids what hip hop for sure neposlouchaj or so normally neoblíkaj. Hey, is fine, the owner of your parents XXL adidas sweatshirt for eight hundred, but look at how podvyživenej idiot. The sails obrovskejch krásnýho nothing, it's terrible.
Better: cardigan or jumper in the appropriate size. Because I'm not a fan of hoodies, wear is minimal. This does not automatically require that the same thing for the other, just simply all under the theme of love will tell Cardigan great features (such buttons on the sweaters, tonics). Yes, they are comfortable and warm as a sweatshirt, but unlike her look good. You do not look like you just ran out of the gym, which is a plus, because the sporty style immensely adore and worship Estuaries and 90% do not care if it actually sports.
If your loved one can not give up jumper, then I will show you a secret that there are shops where you can find shirts for a reasonable price, without the ugly banner and appropriate size. Nobody wants to see střízlíčka is the size XXL with the rag, it looks like a homeless person with NAJK chest. On the contrary, I like to look at střízlíčka in his sweater size S.
I know, the hanger is a small, but you yourself are a kid, and he had no voblíkej, asshole. (I would not have a stylist do to her, and then hire people to her shop and she is advising them. All very insulting when I get to the caliber. Fashion and I always get the guns.)

Horror: powerful sports shoes Low
insulated boots designed for hiking. Running shoes. In essence, all the shoes in any sports shop are surprisingly the sport. Sport is not walking around the city, not dřepění sport, sport is not the way to school, sport is not dating. So please stop buying these shoes because they are ugly. Yes, they are comfortable and functional, but if you need the 15 ° C on flat pavement skid shoes with ankle and a support, something you probably missed a walk in the classroom. Comfortable shoes can Beit nice. And these are pretty cheaper than sports (for those he does připlácíte for all the sporting benefits to the flat pavement and heavy use). And you know where to buy? Well, here in Usti be in Reno. Humanic. CCC. NO in HUDYsport, Intersport and similar holding rooms.
Better: Converse (I love them and I do not understand people who despise Jim). Maybe. Unnngh, I do not know, actually in the boys' shoes quite so unfamiliar in the shops to concentrate solely on women's shoes on the street and I see only the sports tragedy. But just to be different leather shoes (shoes must not directly, but something like that). Cloth shoes. Interesting sneakers. So.

Horror: ski jacket fits
winter and most of all by you guys učůrne happy visions of skiing and snowboarding, so pull out the sports jackets and similar events designed to put them back in sadness to the heart of the spring without the a piece of clothing ever seen ski, snowboard or even a mountain. Mainly, because it looks the winter and dry as polárníci as fools.
Better: coat. Sold iks pruning styles and lengths, you might choose each. Dotyčnej then it looks smarter and generally better. And if it does not kill the sport backpack and pohorama.

Horror: T-shirts with inscriptions imbecilními
Specifically, the gate I saw a funny purple shirt declaring wtf-lol-SEX-něcočtvrtýnatřipísmenka. Yeah, right - WTF? He sometimes wears? It's someone coming smart / funny / good? Dodo, what do you buy it, I would therefore like to see. Why is it bad taste to the soil. LOL.
Better: 's no better than the stupid print print. The band's name. Photos bands. Interesting prints - maybe I got home shirt, which looks like a print magazine article, it is men. SEX.

Horror: cut jeans, came out of fashion several years ago
If the brigade a month earning 15,000 or you are not extremely wealthy and generous parents believe that investment in jeans not a good idea. Jeans for two and three thousand and you can buy when you're in an age where you will be made to meet modern jeans look a bit ridiculous. If you're young and beautiful, you need jeans for now, because for the other will wear again and then there are the thousands of total unnecessarily blown that.
And not just about expensive jeans are not to wear a lot of guys sorry. When you kind of a young man bought three years ago, a pair of jeans, five hundred, must simply count with the fact that in three years will not only threadbare, but completely off. Pants la two-straight-pipes-bit-wide can wear our fathers, not us, žeano. Because it look like? Because it look like thirteen Paka, whose mother bought them clothes in the marketplace.
Better: Is not it clear? I am not saying that each has an interest in fashion and once they see the new cut of trousers, he would buy it immediately. But I argue that if they are somehow second, third year (somehow) in a narrow fashion pants, it would probably react something good and buy a narrow trousers. Teploušský It's not just simply show you that you have your eyes and that will not matter what you wear, handsome. So yes narrow jeans.

Horror: sports shorts and swimwear la
We almost summer, so enthusiastically flocked to the streets of his lovers in bright colors of all kinds of shorts and a very broad cuts. And you do not know if the koupák goes to gym, to school or if he ran to the house of bread. No, look, this, dear boy, do not wear a full piece of clothing because it's not much of anything.
Better: If you have to insisted on revealing the feet (bare male legs terribly neadoruju So, sorry), then take a jean shorts, I personally like those just above the knee. Because why? Because you do not look as Jara Smith Stodůlky of what you bought in a nasty sport shorts and now feels that the Lord of Creation. Because you look like a young man in shorts.

Horror: Sports Sunglasses
These sunglasses are high quality, is of a filter, you will protect your eyes from scorching heat of the sun and two thousand feet above sea level. They are done to perfectly fit on your face, so when you lízt rock, do not worry that you slip down the nose. Frame is made of solid material, so when you stumble on the Alpine rock, there is little chance of being shattered. And they look like fly and nasty. They feature no one does, but if you plan to spend the summer in the brigade, the sights in the city by the sea, the grandmother in the garden or on the balcony just povalováním associated with occasional visits pastry, you'd better buy some for two hundreds in a clothing store. There glasses sell "what they are currently in vogue, usually have a choice and will protect your eyes too. Functional, almost robotic glasses at home, pull them up again you take trips to the Tatra Mountains.
Better: hadrama Most shops selling sunglasses, look there.

Horror: Kapsáče, fatigues, rejoicky
Kapsáčům maskáčům are gone and about a decade ago. We have to accept that, not to wear it and move on, guys, do you dishonor and you look like zálesáci.
Rejoicky jeans are perfect substitute, rejoicky as work pants, which pulls the wood line and manages the woods. Rejoicky are sold in the sport, geniálové.
Better: Whatever the reason you have any aversion to jeans, it does not mean you're doomed to spend their days in overalls. Stores say it offers and trousers that are not denim. Well, wonder of wonders! So throw rejoicky / kapsáče / fatigues and buy nedžínové pants. Modern cut close sitting. Yeah?

Horror: Shirts
shirt is awesome piece of clothing, so why is it somehow nezprznit neufiknout his sleeve and that.
If you take on her jacket, so I let her calm when he nesundáte. But otherwise it is a tragic sin, he should burn in hell, and nobody would never wear it.
Better: shirt with long sleeves (surprisingly). If you scorn him just above the elbow, you essentially short sleeves and it looks good. Or replace polotričkem shirt - it is such a shirt with a collar and a short neck and many buttons. Although it's not anything závratnýho, but everything is better than the ugly.

Horror: Hair la two days ago I washed them and since then Necesal
Hair as business cards. Unwashed unkempt hair? Well, forget it. The wash is a question of ten minutes, not even combed minutes. If you do not want to deal with it crcat tell the hairdresser, both those on the chrounů Kebule creates a style that you then have to be, they even, gel or blow dry, let's keep some kind of shape. It is the difference between casual and ruffle vrabčím Nest, boy.
Better: If you want to look like the world, you have to accept the fact that over spend a little time. Regular cleaning and brushing still did not kill anyone. If you want to look good as that one actor, you have to go to the hairdresser, so she'll cut it. If achieving the desired outcome use hair dryer, iron and gel, you need a home hair dryer, iron and gel, or after the first wash you will not look as that one actor, you look like a drowned rat / idiot / you / That one actor after the attack resentful chickens. Your choice.
Finally, I will tell you a little novinečku - hair grows.

backpack on a hike? Just do it! The school? Well, so far from it. It's ugly, everywhere something sticking out of it, it has to mesh together, it's expensive because milijónu functions that are essential in nature and in quite a lot right, and it's too ugly.
Better: If you backpack and urban backpack. Something nenápadnýho, jednobarevnýho what to wear does not ring. Backpack maj bold color to see you all well. If
nelpíte in your bag, you are my blood group. Then there are the leather and canvas bags. The selection is huge, everything is close at hand, it looks nice and now you too are acting different impression.

skateboard shoes
you going to skate? Yeah, so you need to take IMICA for me for me, for it will shoot the breeze.
are ugly, you make the normal foot elephant's paw and practicality have nothing in common, too.
Hey, if you're a skater boy at heart, never give you those shoes nevymluvim, Moreover, even I do not plan if you want to look like a doll from the chestnuts, it's your choice. I rather it is that these shoes probably drag everybody. Whether rozcapený so that there would be foot width to accommodate two or just a little wider than a normal boot, pulls perhaps 95% of boys and even those who saw only the figure skate. If the other shoe did not sell, so please. But the choice is big enough for us from the horrors těchhle's done some fashion, is not it?
Better: Of those I wrote in point 3


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