Monday, May 30, 2011

Hairdresser Cake With Hair On It

TOP 10 - Kristen Stewart.

Because I have a project ahead of Ain, zhovadilost I write this, because I can not do anything to finish in time, I'm not crazy.
So you bring another TopTen happily, this time ten reasons why I love Kristen Stewart. The pictorial accompaniment, because it is so beautiful, you know.

first It is beautiful.
Well, it's a surprise that. If I believed the types, I'd say that's exactly my type. : D

admit this color - thanks to all those Tvajlajtu series about vampires, what they look like a model and have feelings, I somehow did not have it. Bell's character is the heroine of the worst in the history of mankind (oops) and it hurt all the views have made in my eyes Kristen hňupku. But! Then I looked down the other films - and lo! It does it even hurt anything else but watch the floor! It's a talent, it deserves this attention!

third It's good to see that the people can AWKWARD Beit famous.
I know, I would not have use English, then I did not go like all the Nanynka timid, but for 'awkward' is simply not appropriate Czech equivalent.
Anyway - fantastic, I like her uncomfortable silence in the talks, which looks in vain for word, her nervousness (mrskáme both feet, it's fate, our children will be beautiful), her evasive replies, UI.

4th He rarely smiles and when she smiles, it's a yay.

5th It's clumsy.
falling, slipping, oceněníma throws with the ground, sweeps her hands in confusion ... ♥

6th Amazingly are dressed rock.
Clearly, a combination of sneakers, jeans and unisex T-shirt that appeared long ago in front of her. But she is not a fashion guru, she's not modeling, she is awkward girl who starts out in a T-shirt and jeans to an event where her colleagues prowl in colorful dress.
And you know what? For me in this work twice sympatičtěji than if the narwhal in high heels and looking like the execution. So.

7th It's a normal person.
fuss about Tvajlajtu nevlez her head, still spinning indie movies, and excessive attention to the journalists it certainly shits. ↓

8th Can you maintain the privacy and seems like an interesting girl.
no spice to the side is cracked, personal questions are answered evasively, fundamentally, she likes Steinbeck ... and so, no.

9th It seems intelligent.
out I can guess whether dotyčnej genius, intelligent person, or a nerd, I need to speak with him. But as K, I dare say it's not a nablbaná pizdička what the Council to demonstrate alongside Pattinson (I pray that I wrote it well, that guy is awful name, which I therefore did not) and my humble opinion, to which I have learned quite healthy and nezaujetým observation (creeeeeeeeeepy and if I lived in Emerica time I squatted outside her house in the bushes with binoculars and sváčou) it gets on your nerves, as it with RP "Edward" give journalists and some fans together.
I feel you, sista, I would be angry too, looks like zevl and I do not know about yourself.

10th ↓ ↓ ↓ Stasera.


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