Saturday, May 21, 2011

Strep Throat And Broncholitis

Murderer. 13

Have I got it. I know why everyone is so much fun to get drunk and let loose veškerej your brain time to spend with sunken in alcohol.
It is the perfect time killer and ideas.
When you're drunk enough, the problems are gone, they're all friends, you are superman and everything is so damn perfect, and you have to drink with someone.
Then you wake up in the morning and your biggest problem is her head, stomach-traveler and possibly mess.
These are real issues again postponed for a while, you start to deal with them when you get back physically okay. Is not too Beit now, because in the case of free days as well, after overcoming a monkey booze again, yay.

it solves a lot of people like that. Alcohol, drinking, booze, wt.
I have nothing against drinking, I have something against people who exaggerates it because they think they are, absolutely unreal pole. Some drink from depression, sometimes drink out of boredom and someone drinks because they think it's actually a really great all timid, because when swills half bar, then the biggest boss, because who poblije, he actually won.

I do not know why Tim is now zabejvám. The truth is that I realized how much time to kill everybody, because we can not do what we want.
I would go to Berlin and see the people there - as oblíkaj as they are kept, what their habits. Same in Paris, London, Rome, Munich, Dresden, New York, LA, Vienna ...
I want to go to museums, in cafes, in small shops with cute knihama or CDčkama. I view the building. I want to go to concerts. I want to meet those people who are photographed on foreign fashionblozích - all the stylists, all možnýho designers, models, DJs, bloggers, editors of fashion magazines, musicians, photographers, artists, painters, artists, VJe, students focused on the art ... I want to talk with them, I want to find out how they got to do what they do, where to take it all the inspiration and planning what to do next ... But I
dřepim in the estuary. Sitting at the computer and randomly come across an interesting blog and great music. I admire some people, watching movies, antiobsessional the series, tapping on the blog.
Sometimes I feel that I would give anything in the world just for me to live in an interesting city. Stockholm New York, Berlin, London ....! In the world there are perhaps a thousand places I'd prefer. Hell, there are a million things that I did better!
Repeat the cycle. I would not repeat, with tim if I could do something. If the solution to everything was clumped in the trunk a few things, buy tickets, hop on a plane and chow. Indeed I can not do anything. I can only hope that I will nepropadnout. I'll do a high school diploma. That I get to my dream college. That is ontop of the college maintained. That the college will do. That will not end back in the estuary.

I decided this time firmly. Tack with it. I have selected a school, I found out what I do entrance exams. I want to be child psychologist. It's not dizzy, do not capitalize on the quantum of money, I travel on business around the world, I will meet zajímavýma manipulates people do not come into contact with fashion, nor English. But you know what? That work will be meaningful. When she'll do well, I really help someone and the rest of your life. And it's absolutely great for me.

I'm tired of always killing time, I want to live. But here in Usti jakejkoliv attempt a real "living" will end up just killing time in a slightly different form.
Sometimes I feel that if I stay here a day longer, go crazy.

It's a terrible thing to - to fuck with someone's head. It's Even more terrible, When That 'someone' is me.


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