Sunday, April 17, 2011

Gay Cruising Watts Slope

Everybody Can Be fashionblogger, yaaaay! Another five

Well, more or naaaay. -.-
Create a blog is the question of a few short minutes.
settings jakýhos takýhos appearance lasts about an hour (if u still have to watch the Skins, eat, drink and loiter to look more and more food, feel about you spend the whole afternoon and evening piece).
The camera has a minimum of perhaps every phone.
Shopping is fun, especially for the sponsorship support of parents. Shooting
always puts some zfouknout-Timer, will ever be friend, Then you take photograph as a reward for her blog, too.

Huh, huh, yeah.

I'm talking about that recently emerge as a lot of girls fešnblogů-snaživek, Chanel, and they know they know who is Karl Lagerfeld. While this is nice (because the sad truth is that many people know this, and Guess and Adidas brand is a symbol of luxury for them), but that does not mean automatically that they can lead a quality fashionblog, žeano.

Správej fashion blog is for me to meet several criteria:
1st Just taste. Hey, when such self-styled fešnblogerka stretches lilac purple tights, takes garish purple dress and a purple-pink shirt, the man has a little dubious about the perception of color. I see purple is her favorite color, but nothing is not exaggerating. And certainly not the fact that different shades of the same color together hoděj always.
second Interesting news. That cat was the best friend of the café, something her xD and write a short she comes nose to go to the movies together, but that is all very nice, but if he wrote 100 mm behind the word "dog", it all comes out the same thing. Information value is zero, it's not an interesting topic and the blog does not speak it too.
third There is no trend as a trend. If you want to blog about fashion, I should know the trends. I am not saying that Jim should be concerned and drive frantically to buy everything that might happen to be meant to be a trend in the future, but it should at least suspect what is really a trend, and what was the trend. When will the gold argues that oxfordky are the latest trend, at least you feel like it proplesknout Google and report objectionable content. Likewise, the trendy shirts. I hate the word trends. And the trend is nothing shirts, the shirt is just white shirts and such is the basis naprostej wardrobe.
4th Understand that nobody cares 54277264103542265 articles a month on purchases nezřízených girls. Okay, I understand, one of the things is fun, so you vyblejskne and give to your blog. I have nothing against the occasional articles, where new things are photographed on a hanger. But much to my stupid pen against each eye, which he bought a baby. Article containing two lakes, make-up remover, shadows, and information on the amount for all this is totally off. Especially when milánek resist, the next day he had to go even for one paint and another shadow, mascara zmerčí discount, so it takes too, everything pretty picture and mrskne it on the blog. I wonder where to take the girls. As another article discusses the discounts Kdesivnějakymkráměsoblečením and contains photos of several pieces of clothing on hangers. Yay.
5th Ability čezky. mistake sometimes vloudí, each překlepne or sometimes something escapes him. But how do chibi cow is still just a little too much. You can say that too rejpu, but that the resulting impression of blog influence. The article may Beit nice thousand times, but when you haul the eyes hrupka to chicago, you are embarrassed of it. The bad English and wypatlátoru mention.
6th Poor and downright bad photos. Sometimes nezadaří is, no one at hand who is willing enough, or clever důvěryhodnej the young lady took a picture. Then comes the self-timer. From my experience as an unpleasant, stressful and sucks - nezaostřil camera as you originally wanted, you're standing too close or very far away, a photo of you or otherwise tázavej stupid expression, who's made you the impression that it's clicked ... On the other hand, I think that at least one or two good pictures of the Beit just had. Why fešnblogerky assiduously stuffing within one 5126485632 failed post photos when you can have two nice? Anyway, in each case followed by a postscript, that the outside was ugly / photographer ill / had time to go take pictures, so sorry for the lousy quality of photos. If not be better to wait until the conditions are ideal, especially when there is still one of yesterday's awful nice article about buying discount paint.

I love fashion, love fashionblogy, I love shopping, I love interesting people, especially those, therefore, what I can inspire. Unbelievably
me but shit girl, what about the most recent (= 2 year old) trends read on, you bought it under clothing (that they were just too much this trend is not convenient one, because the clones pochválej them anyway), photographed so the hut, happened to 5 photos of the new nail polishes, gay článeček wrote about how it was with her kámojdou, her boyfriend and his Munický for a coffee, as today was pretty and what is shopaholičky, hihihi.

When a man leave behind and ahead of them (except So one of the math exam, which does not give a chance, so it pays), and that kind zabejvá the srajdou. I promise you on this blog will not go, I will cause them upset and offended I will not write articles.


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