Sunday, April 10, 2011

What Is C D In Shoes Size

Like Being United with a good thing.

by now our class (and other unimportant people: D) in Italy, the owner really well and the next day it nespěj. Hahaha.
Well, I can not laugh too much - although I vyspinkala beautifully, but it is waiting for me a week full of boredom in foreign class. I'd looked at it optimistically, unfortunately, nothing positive can not see, call me a realist.

My computer have changed to more powerful laptop (the first post of ERC 's new computer, yahoo, woohoo, atadál # 1).
now look like the biggest bohatýrka - Notas, camera, Oxford ... Well, I'm not.
With any gift for a birthday or to say goodbye I can be mature, so now I can only hope that by my birthday and I'll die for graduation.
Where else will I have to score high, probably I buy a Frisco Bradbury, Nutella for food stamps, squats at home on my ass, put 'em on "Saturday Night Live přetláskám with sugar.
Plus - although I go to Oxford, but then one day I will live under the bridge, because the money come out of this, haha.

Feast, I have slightly improved the blog, I'm the queen of all programming languages worldwide (about 5 = I can promitivních things in html, just the things you can do, perhaps every).

leaving to sleep, because tomorrow I have to school because I was right to challenge the one thousand fun-fun-fun-fun things I could do and what I do and I can not because I get up in the morning.
fate is cruel and unjust place, and that the world is subordinated to Be, Be must conform to the world. Like WTF?, Do something with it somewhere.


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