Monday, April 11, 2011

How To Build A Boat Floor


You know, as always vehemently argue that if I had time to get bored, I'll cry with happiness and get bored with love?
may not know, but it's true.

Well, okay, so now I'm bored at school. But do not get me wrong, I've got nothing to do - learn bižuli to learn chemistry, learn math, reading the required and optional reading material, you install all the necessary things for Notas, sleep the one million hour sleep deficit, přetřídit your wardrobe, do the worksheets on the compulsory reading, begin to slowly look for a book on the psychological entrance exams (perhaps soon, but for their future rather fected responsibly and in advance, I doubt that in a quarter will have time for a listing of books důležitejch things ...)... and so, no.
But when you sit in a classroom full of strange people who are bored and do not nekrotí the volume of its outpourings, it roars into a movie or a teacher and still have next to each company, it is simply impossible to concentrate on anything. How do I learn about chemistry, when I yell to the Sophie's choice, and the boy, as I forgot his name, he wants to play it rains? Not just in this racket and chaos can not be absolutely nothing to do, so totally unnecessary dřepim (thankfully only) 5 hours in school.
If there was at least wifina ...!!
But no, the school is apparently convinced that the devil resides on the Internet, what is trying to lure stupid Zack-študáčky into their snares of hell and then they obscure the brain to understand math.

And it is Monday. The center is about to strangle their own hair or probořim head against the wall.

Well, well, well, I do not know when I last wrote something at least zajímavýho anything remotely recalls.
But I'm mad urge to write because for a) I was annoyed b) I have offended, c) I'm mad, d) I have a lot, so do not do anything, but today I was in German, which is a good deed, so for today's not that it does not matter, and catch up tomorrow, e) I love the sound of these notebook keyboard, AWW!

and gets the s new Mark Ronson. The older, although I liked more, but this is pretty good and definitely worth listening to.


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