Sunday, April 10, 2011

Images Of Cutting Churidar

sun over Prague ...

Today I have a striding Prazev ptáčkoveném pajamas and beautiful Ginger alongside ... Then we gave a very evil and wicked unhealthy lunch we went to the event bloggers to Starbucks ... Actually I gave with regard to the wonderful weather event to be somewhere in the park - but so that I could be ofiko nevrhnout next time:) I'd love you all I saw! But I admit, and I'm really bad there were a few faces that I do not know - and it bothers me a lot! I have to give here some more:)

theme of this event was the Fashion Magazine Writing ... Well I am quite now regret that I had prepared questions and even those few thoughts occurred to you that I smoked in the head after a very interesting discussion with Olga (thanks Oli - for everything!) more so I remained silent - and now I'm sorry .. . No lessons for the future - better be prepared! :)

And now just some photos ... Of course I nevyfotila myself ... So just a plea - if you have someone a little bit decent photo I send it to me - thanks! :)

Beautiful week!


Best T-shirt was, of course, Agatha : D

Evka looked surprised:)

.... and is just beautiful! *

Véronique has completely gorgeous neck! And therefore a good enough:)

Ejvi and Simone be nice lipstick! Not only:)

Vit A with Boo beautifully laughing:)


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