Saturday, April 16, 2011

Veet Wax Left Hair Underarm


First you have to let go of this paper is ideally suited song:) Or have a look at the clip - it is full of kittens!

Now when your ear is Fatboy Slim so I can show off! We have a Fatboy! And it's love at first sit! Nobody let it sit and roll is just my my my! (Yes, it still does not know the tracks that he took no ... nothing:)) So today cylinder pictures:)

And otherwise I'm sorry that I have not heard from her again so long ... It's just that I'm great and I enjoy taking pictures and I'm lazy ... But I promise to improve! You is amazing! I wanted to officially celebrate the 150 readers but before I managed to 157 is you! Thank you very much! :)

Tomorrow I'm going to Prague for Evička that I will be looking forward to taking pictures and I am a bit nervous ... but I believe in the miraculous powers of Eve:)

What You Love Fatboy? And Fatboy Slim? And where you prefer to sit?

Take care and beauty Sunday:)


just the biggest being:)

Good night!

BTW - this article is not sponsored by Fatboy ... But if you could find some kind of sponsor Fatboy I just love: D


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